Le Corbusier于1887年出生。作为一个孩子,Le Corbusier在他家庭的钟表制造行业工作。1917年,他搬到了巴黎,在那里创立了纯粹主义艺术运动,并开始以Le Corbusier为笔名发表宣言。后来放弃纯粹主义运动,专注于建筑,柯布西耶于1922年与他的表弟Pierre Jeanneret开设了一家设计工作室。 Le Corbusier看来,房屋是“居住的机器”,他努力打造流线型的建筑,以功能为主要目标。Le Corbusier是第一批支持变形混凝土的建筑师之一,他在《统一d’住宅》(the Unite d’residential)的创作中体现了这一点。Le Corbusier认为,通过设计,他可以为新时代创造一个乌托邦。1947年,他获得了一个机会,实现了他对一个现代主义大都会中心的愿景,该中心由委员会负责设计印度昌迪加尔的整个城市综合体。Le Corbusier从1947年到1965年去世,一直与他的表弟Pierre Jeanneret合作设计昌迪加尔(Chandigarh),这座城市仍然是Le Corbusier乌托邦式建筑目标的典范。

Le Corbusier was born Charles-Édouard Jeanneret in 1887. As a child, Le Corbusier worked in his family’s trade of clock making. In 1917, he moved to Paris where he founded the artistic movement of purism, and began publishing a manifesto under the pseudonym of “Le Corbusier.” Later abandoning the purism movement to focus on architecture, Le Corbusier opened a design atelier with his cousin Pierre Jeanneret in 1922. To Le Corbusier, houses were “machines for living in,” and he strove to make streamlined structures with function as their primary aim. Le Corbusier was among the first architects to champion textured concrete, as exemplified in his creation of the Unité d’habitation, a brutalist yet colorful residential housing structure in Nantes-Rezé. Le Corbusier believed that through design, he could create a utopia for the new age. In 1947 he received the opportunity to realize his vision of a modernist cosmopolitan center with the commission to design the entire city complex of Chandigarh, India. Le Corbusier worked with his cousin, Pierre Jeanneret on the creation and design of Chandigarh from 1947 until his death in 1965, and the city remains exemplary of Le Corbusier’s Utopian goals for architecture.